Birth reports

Fødslen af Zacharias

The birth of Zacharias

The birth of Zacharias already started several weeks before he finally landed in my arms. It was a spiritual journey into myself and a lot intense inner work before my...

The birth of Zacharias

The birth of Zacharias already started several weeks before he finally landed in my arms. It was a spiritual journey into myself and a lot intense inner work before my...

Førstegangsfødende - min drømmefødsel

First time mother - my dream birth

This is my birth report as a first-time mother in my own home 40+3 On Tuesday 2/8, when I am 2 days overdue, my midwife will come by. Now I'm...

First time mother - my dream birth

This is my birth report as a first-time mother in my own home 40+3 On Tuesday 2/8, when I am 2 days overdue, my midwife will come by. Now I'm...

Hjemmefødsel - fra en mands perspektiv

Home birth - from a man's perspective

Since this is a man's account, it will all be from a man's point of view. My 4 pieces of good advice for men: 1. If you are afraid of...

Home birth - from a man's perspective

Since this is a man's account, it will all be from a man's point of view. My 4 pieces of good advice for men: 1. If you are afraid of...

Eyajohannas hjemmefødsel

Eyajohanna's home birth

A week and a half until the birth, I was going crazy. I really struggled with believing my sensations and my body's many signals. I sought support and advice from...

Eyajohanna's home birth

A week and a half until the birth, I was going crazy. I really struggled with believing my sensations and my body's many signals. I sought support and advice from...

Den vildeste oplevelse!

The wildest experience!

I go up and tell my husband, Jannick, that something funky is about to happen in my body, but we take a look, as we have also heard that some...

The wildest experience!

I go up and tell my husband, Jannick, that something funky is about to happen in my body, but we take a look, as we have also heard that some...

Nyfødt hos mor - modelbillede

My most uncomplicated birth

Here is a short, positive birth report about my completely uncomplicated birth of my third child, which took place at home. In the weeks leading up to, I had several...

My most uncomplicated birth

Here is a short, positive birth report about my completely uncomplicated birth of my third child, which took place at home. In the weeks leading up to, I had several...

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