
Fyldning af fødekar – en trin-for-trin guide
Her er en detaljeret guide til, hvordan du opsætter, fylder og passer godt på dit fødekar – med tidsangivelser og ekstra tips, der gør oplevelsen endnu bedre. Udstyr og forberedelse...
Fyldning af fødekar – en trin-for-trin guide
Her er en detaljeret guide til, hvordan du opsætter, fylder og passer godt på dit fødekar – med tidsangivelser og ekstra tips, der gør oplevelsen endnu bedre. Udstyr og forberedelse...

Kan mit gulv bære et fyldt fødekar?
Hvis du overvejer en hjemmefødsel med fødekar, har du sikkert tænkt på, om dit gulv kan bære vægten. Et fyldt fødekar vejer trods alt en del, og det er naturligt...
Kan mit gulv bære et fyldt fødekar?
Hvis du overvejer en hjemmefødsel med fødekar, har du sikkert tænkt på, om dit gulv kan bære vægten. Et fyldt fødekar vejer trods alt en del, og det er naturligt...

Is it safe to give birth at home?
In recent years, more and more and better scientific studies have been published, showing that it is possible to screen healthy pregnant women who want to give birth at home...
Is it safe to give birth at home?
In recent years, more and more and better scientific studies have been published, showing that it is possible to screen healthy pregnant women who want to give birth at home...

Guide: Extend the shelf life of your food conta...
One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your feeder is to use an original liner. The lines from La Bassine are designed to fit the feeding vessels...
Guide: Extend the shelf life of your food conta...
One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your feeder is to use an original liner. The lines from La Bassine are designed to fit the feeding vessels...

Considerations before your birth
Do you want additional helpers besides the midwife and a possible partner? Should a doula be present? Here is a list of things worth considering before your birth. Remember that...
Considerations before your birth
Do you want additional helpers besides the midwife and a possible partner? Should a doula be present? Here is a list of things worth considering before your birth. Remember that...

Checklist for home birth
Have you remembered everything? Below is a checklist of things that may be useful to have ready before the birth. You can download a free printable version of the list.
Checklist for home birth
Have you remembered everything? Below is a checklist of things that may be useful to have ready before the birth. You can download a free printable version of the list.
See our selection
Birth pool
A birth pool filled with warm water provides you with natural pain...
Accessories for feeding troughs
If you have purchased or rented a used birth pool, you may...
Carry your child
Carrying has an incredible number of advantages for both parent and child....