First time mother - my dream birth

Førstegangsfødende - min drømmefødsel
By Lotus
I've been SO happy to read your birth stories here, so I'm going to add mine in the hope that some can benefit from it too 🥰
This is my birth report as a first-time mother in my own home 40+3
On Tuesday 2/8, when I am 2 days overdue, my midwife will come by. Now I'm 2-2.5 cm dilated and she offers me to make a small membrane solution, which I agree to immediately.
At 16-18 I try to take a nap but wake up every half hour with good pains in my stomach and lower back that wake me up. This adds up a lot during the evening! 🤞🏼 however, they are far from regular and occur with a frequency of 6-18 minutes. It continues throughout the night and the following morning to pull up.
At 8:16 we choose to call the midwife as at this time there are 4-5 minutes between contractions and I throw up after some of them.
We agree to talk after about an hour since we are all safe in the situation.
At At 9:31 my husband calls the midwife again as at this point there are 3 minutes between contractions.
At 10:15 the midwife comes to our house. When she examines me here, she assesses that I am 6 cm dilated and now in active labour 🥳
At At 12:15 the birthing tub is ready for me in the living room and I can finally get into it, which was absolutely fantastic! 😍 🙏🏼
At 12:53 midwife notices how far down baby has come and she estimates that he is only 1 1/5 finger joints from the opening!
At At 1:12 p.m. the pressures are increasing strongly and at 13:17 I have a spontaneous discharge of water in the tub. 💦 💦 💦
At 13:35 my husband stands behind me with the midwife to get ready to welcome the little one and my friend who is a birth attendant takes his place up in front of me and is a fantastic support ❤️
3 labors later, our son is born at 13:43 🥳 I'll never forget hearing my husband say “oh, honey! He is coming now!”
It was a complete dream birth and it was without a doubt the biggest I have experienced in some time 🥺 🥰
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