A safe birth

Welcome to Homeborn! We offer products that support you throughout the entire birth experience – from the pregnancy full of expectations, to the great upheaval when the baby is born. Regardless of whether you are planning a home birth or prefer a hospital birth, our goal is to provide you with the best conditions for a safe and positive experience. ♡

Rental of birth pools

If you dream of a home birth in water, it is a simple solution to rent a birth pool including accessories. You can choose between both sizes of pool, and you have the pool with you for a full 5 weeks.

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  • Brystbetændelse - nye retningslinjer

    Chest inflammation - new guidelines

    If you search the web for advice on mastitis, you will find lots of advice and guidance (also from official sources) which, in light of the new knowledge in the...

    Chest inflammation - new guidelines

    If you search the web for advice on mastitis, you will find lots of advice and guidance (also from official sources) which, in light of the new knowledge in the...

  • Guide: Forlæng dit fødekars holdbarhed

    Guide: Extend the shelf life of your food conta...

    One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your feeder is to use an original liner. The lines from La Bassine are designed to fit the feeding vessels...

    Guide: Extend the shelf life of your food conta...

    One of the easiest ways to extend the life of your feeder is to use an original liner. The lines from La Bassine are designed to fit the feeding vessels...

  • Skal nyfødte have hue på?

    Should newborns wear hats?

    The habit of immediately putting a hat on the newborn child is strongly ingrained in our culture. Search online for pictures of newborns and almost all of them are wearing...

    Should newborns wear hats?

    The habit of immediately putting a hat on the newborn child is strongly ingrained in our culture. Search online for pictures of newborns and almost all of them are wearing...

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  • Fødslen af Zacharias

    The birth of Zacharias

    The birth of Zacharias already started several weeks before he finally landed in my arms. It was a spiritual journey into myself and a lot intense inner work before my...

    The birth of Zacharias

    The birth of Zacharias already started several weeks before he finally landed in my arms. It was a spiritual journey into myself and a lot intense inner work before my...

  • Førstegangsfødende - min drømmefødsel

    First time mother - my dream birth

    This is my birth report as a first-time mother in my own home 40+3 On Tuesday 2/8, when I am 2 days overdue, my midwife will come by. Now I'm...

    First time mother - my dream birth

    This is my birth report as a first-time mother in my own home 40+3 On Tuesday 2/8, when I am 2 days overdue, my midwife will come by. Now I'm...

  • Hjemmefødsel - fra en mands perspektiv

    Home birth - from a man's perspective

    Since this is a man's account, it will all be from a man's point of view. My 4 pieces of good advice for men: 1. If you are afraid of...

    Home birth - from a man's perspective

    Since this is a man's account, it will all be from a man's point of view. My 4 pieces of good advice for men: 1. If you are afraid of...

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  • La Bassine

    Homeborn.dk is a distributor and dealer of La Bassine Birth Pools in Denmark.